NORRITON Little League |Tournaments
2024 Tournament Series
All Norriton hosted tournaments are a 3 game minimum for all teams. Format to be determined based on number of teams and will be communicated approximately 1 week prior to first pitch (usually sooner). Pool play games will begin Wednesday.
Tournament t-shirts, trophies for champions and runners-up, MVP awards for pool play games.
Games to be played at Centennial Park, Cole Manor Elementary and/or Paul V Fly Elementary.
Our complexes boast outstanding full-service snackstands, batting cages and manicured grass-infield fields. We encourage all to take advantage.
All tournaments are Local league teams only, no club teams. Tournament Director's decisions are final.
We reserve the right to accept only one team from an organization per division.
9U - 6/19-6/23 ($600) 9U DIGITAL SCOREBOARD
8U machine pitch - 6/19-6/23 ($525) 8U DIGITAL SCOREBOARD
Tournament Shirts available on site!!

7U - TBD
Click here for the 2024 Registration Form
Contact [email protected] for inquiries, interest and registrations.